The Rubix Wheelchair has a reinforced frame to suit bariatirc clients along with a lightweight aluminium folding frame. It also has swingaway removable legrests and swingback removable armrests. The push handles, seat depth, seat height and footplate angle can be adjusted to suit individual client requirements.
Other features includes heel straps, tie down points, anti-tip bar and rollers to prevent tipping, quick release rear wheels for easy storage and transportation and solid tyres.
- Reinforced frame to suit the bariatric client
- Swingaway removable legrests and swingback removable armrests
- Push handles, seat depth, seat height and footplate angle are adjustable to suit individual client requirements
- Breathable padded nylon upholstery
- Tension adjustable backrest
- Seat to back connecting flap
- Swingaway stabiliser bar prevents backrest sag
- Heel straps
- Tie down points
- Anti tip bar and rollers help prevent tipping
- Quick release rear wheels for easy storage and transportation
- Solid tyres
- Lightweight aluminium folding frame
- Blue powder coat paint finish
- Made in Germany
Seat Width: 52/56/60cm
Seat Depth: 41-48cm
Seat Height: 42-51cm
Back Height: 41-46cm
Arm Height: 230mm
Push Handle Height: 910mm
Overall Width: 72/76/80cm
Gross Weight: 18.4kg
Net Weight: 12.5kg
Max User Weight: 170kg