Our team at Active Mobility Systems is taking on the challenge of competing 10000 steps a day for “Steptember”- a fundraising challenge to support Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Steptember is about setting goals and doing our best to achieve them.
Cerebral Palsy is a physical disability that affects movement and posture. It affects people in different ways and can affect body movement, muscle control , muscle coordination, muscle tone, reflex, posture and balance. Although cerebral palsy is a permanent life-long condition, some of the signs of cerebral palsy can improve or worsen over time.
People who have cerebral palsy may also have visual, learning, hearing, speech, epilepsy and intelectual impairments.
Did you know?
- 1 in 500 Australian babies is diagnosed with cerebral palsy
- Every 15 hrs an Australian child is born with cerebral palsy
- 34,000 people are living with cerebral palsy in Australia, 17 million worldwide
Did you know the average office worker only takes 3000 steps per day? This will be a huge effort to some of us but we are happy knowing it’s for a good cause! Steptember is not just a great opportunity to raise vital funds for kids and adults living with cerebral palsy. It is also a great challenge, and a realistic plan, for all of us sitting 8 hours at a desk to increase our movements and do 10000 steps per day.
Every 15 hours a child in Australia is born with cerebral palsy? By supporting Steptember and Cerebral Palsy Alliance, we are hoping to make a difference for future research. Participating in Steptember we will help to raise funds for vital equipment, life-changing services or groundbreaking research. Cerebral Palsy does not only affect the individual, but all families and communities. That’s why our participation and everybody’s donations will help to make a difference to the everyday lives of people living with cerebral palsy.
16 AMS staff members have registered to participate in the Steptember challenge this year. We have created 4 teams of 4 to support adults and children in cerebral palsy.
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