Mobility scooters are one of the most popular and common ways for the elderly or those living with disabilities to travel from point A to B. They allow the user to travel independently without the aid of a walker, wheelchair or carer, making them essential for everyday use.
However, like all machinery, mobility scooters can break down from time-to-time which can cause inconvenience and stress for those who use their scooter on a daily basis.
If your scooter is lacking in power and performance or has broken down entirely, you might be wondering why. There are a few common causes for a mobility scooter breakdown.
In this article, we’ll share our mobility scooter troubleshooting guide featuring the most common causes of a breakdown as well as some basic repair and maintenance tips to ensure your mobility scooter always runs smoothly.
How long do mobility scooters last?
Before we start, we know there will be some anxiety around whether the entire mobility scooter needs to be replaced. A mobility scooter is an investment in your daily transport and wellbeing, so replacing it is not something any mobility scooter user is ever excited about.
When your mobility scooter starts to fail, you might be wondering: “how long do mobility scooters last? Do I need to replace the whole thing?”
Unfortunately, there’s no hard-and-fast rule as to how long a mobility scooter will last. It all depends on how often you use your mobility scooter and where you’re taking it. For example, driving in dirty or dusty areas can have a major impact on the motor’s performance, or can corrode certain parts of the scooter.
The main thing is not to panic. Most mobility scooter parts can be repaired or replaced.
#1. The batteries
If your mobility scooter has charging problems, it might be the battery. This is one of the most common causes of a breakdown. Constantly charging and discharging the batteries will cause them to lose their ability to hold a charge which means they won’t last as long as they did when you first started using your mobility scooter.
Modern mobility scooters have a handy feature that will tell you when you need to replace your batteries, but it pays to check that your battery connections are properly secured. This might also cause the batteries to malfunction, or not work at all.
Once you’ve confirmed that the batteries are secured, use a multimeter to measure the battery voltage. If it is less than 11.8 then the battery is less than 25% charged. If you charged it to the maximum and it still doesn’t improve the reading, then you need to have the batteries replaced.
Another option is to replace your batteries replaced with a bigger version. However, the downside is that this will result in your scooter being heavier, requiring more power to move. You will need to consider this if you choose to go for a bigger battery.
#2. The motor
While mobility scooter motors are extremely reliable, wear and tear can cause them to malfunction. For example, the motor can be damaged mounting or dismounting the kerb, or by driving through a deep puddle. Even driving through a dusty or gritty area can lead to dirt entering the motor and causing a blockage or damage over time.
If you notice that your motor is getting slower or isn’t working the way it used to, then it’s probably time to have the motor replaced.
Get in touch with our team of experienced technicians on 1800 543 837 to book an appointment and we’ll replace the motor for you in our fully equipped workshop. It’s a simple
#3. The tyres
While mobility scooter tyres are hard wearing and designed to last, they still need to be replaced semi-regularly like the tyres on your car or motorbike. There are two types of mobility scooter tyres: solid and pneumatic. Solid tyres are more reliable but less comfortable to drive with.
Both kinds of tyres will start to bald over time. Alternatively, you might run over a nail and pop a tyre, just like you would in a car.
You might be wondering about fixing a puncture on a mobility scooter yourself. However, for your own health and safety, we do not recommend trying to repair your own tyres. More than anything, it is a temporary solution for a long term problem.
Regardless of the type of tyres you have, it is always best to have them regularly checked, especially around the sidewalls and treads for wears. If the tyres are either cracked or worn then it is best to get them replaced. Otherwise, the tyres are more likely to puncture.
Plus, worn tyres affect the performance of the scooter especially when it comes to braking and corner stability.
#4. The potentiometer
The potentiometer or “speed pot” is used to adjust the maximum speed that a scooter can go. If you notice your scooter’s speed seems to be fluctuating without any reason, then there’s a good chance that the potentiometer is faulty.
Because they are often exposed to the elements, it can result in the potentiometer becoming corroded which leads it to fail.
If you know how to use a multimeter, you can easily check to ensure that the wires are showing the correct voltage. Otherwise, potentiometers are not expensive to replace and you can call our dedicated service and repairs department for a replacement.
#5. The ignition switch
To finalise our mobility scooter troubleshooting guide, we come to one of the more common problems: faulty ignition switches. Like potentiometers, the ignition switch is exposed to the elements which can lead to corrosion and unit failure.
This can also cause the key to get stuck in the ignition and sometimes even break off altogether. If you have a broken key in the ignition, you can safely remove it using a pair of tweezers.
However, if it’s well and truly stuck, you can still start your engine and use a pair of needle-nose
Need more from our mobility scooter troubleshooting guide? Contact our technicians for personalised information
While these are the most common causes of mobility scooter malfunctions and breakdowns, there are more minor causes that will require a diagnosis from an experienced technician.
If you have any questions from our mobility scooter troubleshooting guide or want to book a service with our technicians, simply call us on 02 9649 2111 or fill out our service form and our technicians will be in touch to repair your mobility scooter.