Cerebral Palsy is one of the most common physical disabilities in childhood. One in two people are in chronic pain due to the tightening of their muscles. Many of them will never be able to take a single step without assistance.
During past 28 days AMS staff participated in Steptember- a challenge to raise awareness and funds to support children and adults living with Cerebral Palsy. The Active Mobility Systems office created 4 teams where each team member was committed to make at least 10 000 steps a day, to get healthy while stepping and raise vital funds for people living with cerebral palsy. The average office worker takes only 3000 steps per day, which is, let’s be honest, very far below the 10,000 recommended daily steps. Some of us, employees from Active Mobility Systems accepted this challenge - not only stepping and competing with fellow co-workers, but we also have accepted the challenge to raise the funds and support people that need it.
As a company that is involved in the health industry, providing and supplying equipment to people living with Cerebral Palsy, working closely with CPA, it was our pleasure to participate in such a great idea as the challenge of Steptember is.
Together, our 4 teams, including Turbo Chicks, Trevor Roach, Priestley Pod and Men at Work we have raised 3015.60 and did 1,193,355 steps.
Management Team – Trevor Roach Team has raised $2042.10 while girls team – Turbo Chicks Team made the most amount of steps, reaching the Summit with 1,193,355 steps.
More that 2000 organisations around the world took their part in the Steptember challenge and we are glad, we were one of them.
Even that Steptember challenge is now over, you still can donate and help to find a cure for Cerebral Palsy as our fundraising pages remain open until 28th October.
As an employee of Active Mobility Systems, I would like to thank everyone who supported our teams and donated to Cerebral Palsy Alliance. We will be excited to take our part again next year and support this idea again.