The Bradbury Turner is ideal for using with any dependant client who has to be turned on their side, reducing the risk of these clients pushing back causing musculoskeletal pain to the staff supporting them.
It was designed by two professional back care advisors who were looking into ways of further preventing back injuries to carers.
The Bradbury Turner has many potential uses and benefits and is ideal for a wide range of clients who need to be turned as part of their care.
Potential uses include:
- Toileting with a slipper pan
- Hygiene purposes
- Linen changes
- Aseptic dressings
- Positioning for pressure relief
- Changing of clothing
- Potential therapeutic uses
Potential client groups include
- Neurological patients
- Bariatric care
- Elderly care
- Intensive care
- General care
- Orthopaedic care
- General surgery
- Community care
- Learning disabilities
- Funeral directors
1. Eliminates the static posture of the staff maintaining the client in a lateral position
2. Reduces the total number of staff required for a range of duties
3. Reduces the strain placed upon staff with any clients who due to their condition are unable to turn independantly
4. Enables the client to be turned onto each side with minimal manual handling
5. Promotes client comfort
6. Easy to use
*Note: This sling is non-refundable/returnable