Active Mobility Systems is a registered NDIS provider. We keep track with all information, tools, learnings and insights to help our customers along their journey. Our trained team at AMS are able to help customers with their enquiries, questions or details.
For a better understanding of what NDIS is about, we have created a list of main keywords and phrases that are essential for users, but also for providers to know.
Here are some main terms:
NDIA- National Disability Insurance Agency
NDIS- National Disability Insurance Scheme
NDIA Planner- National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) planner.
Self managed funding- where funding and supports are managed by the participant and their family
Registered Service provider- a disability support provider that has met the NDIS requirements for qualifications, approvals, experience and capacity for the approved supports and the quality standards of the jurisdiction in which they operate
Approved plan- a participant's plan that includes the participant's statement of goals and aspirations and the supports required by the participant to attain their goals informal, mainstream and NDIA-funded as approved by the CEO
Assistive Technology (AT)- the full range of technological solutions that allow people with disability to be more independent, more connected, and provide opportunities for them to realise their potential as active members of their families, schools, workplaces and communities. Beyond the traditional aids and equipment used by people with disability, including home and vehicle modifications, prosthetics and hearing aids, it includes devices used by people without disabilities (for example, smartphones, tablets and apps) that are offering new ways to form connections and increase participation
Carer- someone who provides personal care, support and assistance to a person with disability and who is not contracted as a paid or voluntary worker
Committed support- funds included for reasonable and necessary supports for participants in approved plans
Community services– activities and services such as social, study, sporting or other interests, available from local non-government groups and government entities
Formal supports– see reasonable and necessary supports
Full scheme– also known as 'full rollout', the dates by which the scheme will be available to potential participants, specifically, in the Australian Capital Territory by July 2016, in New South Wales and South Australia by July 2018, and in Tasmania, Victoria, Queensland and the Northern Territory by July 2019
Information, linkages and capacity building– the term used by governments to describe the activities that will be supported by the NDIS to promote the social and economic inclusion of people with a disability including people not receiving individualised funded support from the NDIS (formally known as 'Tier 2'). The activities include providing information and making linkages and referral to community or mainstream services, building the capacity of people with a disability, families and carers, building community capacity, building mainstream service provider capacity, and local area coordination
Outcomes framework– the Agency's mechanism for measuring success for people with disability in areas like choice and control, social inclusion, education, employment, health and housing
Participant outcomes- a way of measuring the aggregation of whether or not participants' goals are achieved combined with whether the Agency is meeting its objectives
Participant's plan- an approved plan consisting of a participant's statement of goals and aspirations and the reasonable and necessary supports approved by the CEO
Support package- the term used by the Agency to describe the funding available for the supports available to an individual participant
Supports- assistance that helps a participant to reach their goals, objectives and aspirations, and to undertake activities to enable their social and economic participation
These terms and phrases are the most common when it comes for talking about NDIS. Full glossary can be found on http://www.ndis.gov.au/glossary
For your enquiries about NDIS system and other details, contact AMS https://www.activemobility.com.au/ndis/
To find out how to use participants portal efficiently, go to: https://www.ndis.gov.au/participant-portal-user-guide.