Mobility scooters are similar to wheelchairs, but are designed like motor scooters. They are useful for a variety of things and help people be able to move around and go places when otherwise they would not be able to.
However other than the obvious benefits of having a mobility scooter you may wonder what else it can be used for? Despite what you may think, mobility scooters are quite versatile and depending on the type of scooter that you’ve bought they can be used for even long distances.
Below are a few of the common uses for mobility scooters.
Now this may seem the most obvious of them all considering that shopping complexes are quite big and it may become tiring to walk, especially for those that can’t walk for long distances.
The lighter models of the wheelchairs, especially the compact ones, are able to be disassembled and stored in the back of your car easily. Because of their light weight it means that they can go around tight spaces or crowds.
Additionally most of these types of scooters come with a basket making shopping even easier and are able to carry between 90 and 136kg. They also have a high battery life meaning that you can travel far with them without the risk of your batteries dying in the middle of your shopping trip.
Similar to the shopping idea you can take your mobility scooter when you go out on a trip. Certain types of mobility scooters are able to be folded and are a little lighter than most mobility scooters that are able to be disassembled.
These folding scooters are able to be placed into a bag, suitcase or even trunk thus making it very easy to get around crowds especially in crowded areas.
Also because they are similar to the light mobility scooters they have the same type of battery power and range meaning that you can enjoy your trip without worrying about breaking down in the middle of it.
So we’ve covered shopping and vacations. But what about driving as a form of entertainment or transportation? That’s right there are scooters, the heavy duty types, that are able to be used for driving because they have a lot more power and can take on a lot more weight.
With a maximum weight restriction of between 136 to 272kg some heavy duty scooters are able to come with a wagon attachment! This means that you are able to load extra things such as groceries onto the wagon.
Additionally most heavy duty scooters are designed with solid, flat free, or foam-filled tires which are great for the more rugged terrains should you ever encounter them. They also tend to be more durable and last longer as well.
These are just a few of what you can do with scooters. But it’s in no way a comprehensive list, go out and explore just what you’re capable of now that you have these scooters to help you out. Our Silverwater showroom has a large range of scooters on display so you can test drive them yourself and see which one is most suited to you.